CDDY test uitslagen


N/N: De hond is vrij van het CDDY-gen                                                                                          

N/CDDY: De hond heeft één kopie van het CDDY-gen. Dit veroorzaakt mogelijk dwerggroei

CDDY/CDDY: De hond heeft twee kopieën van het CDDY-gen. Dit veroorzaakt mogelijk dwerggroei

Datum OnderzoekStamboomnaamNHSBUitslag genotypeGetest via
19-01-2023Red Startlight's Amazing Blue Eyes Poul Newman3265815N/NUC Davis VGL NCD210616
12-11-2024Con Fuoco Come As You Are3163565N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD246934
09-01-2025Tantramar's Martini Itana3203911N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD248587
24-12-2024Caro's A Good Thing v.'t Dekkershof3319355N/CDDYVHL ID H643401
03-12-2024Rhineferry's Rosa Canina Rov3284588N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD247431
17-03-2023Lotis V.d. Tollerhof3235598N/NUC Davis VGL NCD215937
11-09-2024Frá Hreinir-veller Jutta3219153N/NUC Davis VGL NCD244086
11-09-2024Rubrum Venandi Mary Lou3265994N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD244085
22-10-2024Syo's Winsome Wanda V. Telgter Spreng3198253N/NUC Davis VGL NCD245893
04-09-2024Casan Logan V.D. Berkel Enk3279558N/NUC Davis VGL NCD243795
17-06-2024Red Calypsos Will Always Be Around3263865N/CDDYLaboklin 2406-N-06632
25-04-2024To Chase A Dream From Cashel Vale3266953N/NUC Davis VGL NCD237762
06-03-2024Cuddly Twinkling V.D. Borrekeen3206710N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD235020
27-07-2023Yaro Nadura Meade v.d. Stam de Duffelt3166387N/NUC Davis VGL NCD224238
28-12-2022Alba Nuadh Red Impression Of Keet3226422N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD199172
25-03-2024Glorious One v.'t Dekkershof3292789N/NUC Davis VGL NCD236056
25-03-2024Con Fuoco Free Bird3289323N/NUC Davis VGL NCD236057
25-03-2024Rhineferry's Son Of Stars Veto3206527N/NUC Davis VGL NCD236001
25-03-2024Rhineferry's Rainbow Magic Rovi3284585N/NUC Davis VGL NCD236002
25-03-2024Foggybay's Saga Of Wallace Babine To Rhineferrybijl G1 3309575N/NUC Davis VGL NCD236000
13-03-2023Con Fuoco Drop It Like It's HotNHSB 3211967 N/CDDYEmbark
20-02-2024Red Calypso's Love Is In The AirNHSB 3198034N/NUC Davis VGL NCD234493
17-04-2023It's Dog Latin FirststarNHSB 3246988N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD217877
08-06-2023Giancarlo NHSB 3074676NHSB 3074676CDDY/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD221305
10-03-2023Novalicious Ultimate FreedomNHSB 3139633 N/NUC Davis VGL NCD215055
14-03-2023Rhineferry's Walk The Talk BegNHSB 3269904N/NUC Davis VGL NCD215347
08-01-2024Yaro Nayeli Naiad V.D. Stam De DuffeltNHSB 3166388N/NUC Davis VGL NCD169558
06-01-2022U R Blissful 'n Nice Of Great PleasureNHSB 3262049N/NPaw Print
28-12-2023Sparkling Love Toller of Carpe DiemNHSB3256701 N/NUC Davis VGL NCD217424
10-03-2023Novalicious Dancing With FireNHSB 3235946N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD215054
12-10-2023Rhineferry's To Deserve You PaziNHSB 3234167N/NUC Davis VGL NCD228208
12-10-2023Rhineferry's Star Walk to Grace GeBNHSB 3269907N/CDDYEmbark
10-10-2023La Chouffe Nice v.'t DekkershofNHSB 3177894N/NUC Davis VGL NCD136565
06-03-2023Silver Twinkling v.d. BorrekeenNHSB 3206709 N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD214517
12-09-2023Lyro's Peregrina Camí v. Telgter SprengNHSB 3309343N/NEmbark
07-08-2023Asja 3247308NHSB 3247308N/CDDYVHL: H598149
16-08-2021Nirvelli Midsummer NightsNHSB 3126627 N/CDDYEmbark
07-08-2023Inly's Nysa Salsa v. Telgter SprengNHSB 3266790N/NUC Davis VGL NCD224680
01-02-2021Con Fuoco Dal Segno Al CodaNHSB 3211969N/NEmbark
15-08-2021Nirvelli Honey I am homeNHSB 3056369N/CDDYEmbark
01-06-2022Con Fuoco Check Yes JulietNHSB3163563N/NEmbark
27-04-2023Maple Lake Orange Duck RockNHSB 3228868N/NUC Davis VGL NCD218639
17-01-2023CarnivalNHSB 3055427 N/NUC Davis VGL NCD76023
14-03-2023Rhineferry's Walk The Talk BegNHSB 3269904N/NUC Davis VGL NCD215347
10-12-2021Alliance de la Vie Candle on the CakeNHSB 3166639N/CDDYEmbark
21-03-2023Fusy's Rubina v.h. dekkershofNHSB 3268253N/NUC Davis VGL NCD215934
17-03-2023Guya's Marte v.h. DekkershofNHSB 3262118N/NUC Davis VGL NCD215933
06-12-2022Alba Nuadh Gwenny's Working SecretNHSB 3022389N/NUC Davis VGL NCD75787
04-03-2023Morgenrot's Dime V.h. BovenwaterNHSB 3155347N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD214703
17-01-2023Passion Of Love Toller Of Carpe DiemNHSB 3197141N/CDDYLaboklin 2301N00006
01-03-2023Lagertha's Dusky Bush BrownNHSB 3234029N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD214313
31-05-2021Con Fuoco Chop SueyNHSB 3165361N/NEmbark
22-11-2021Morgenrot's Oortje v.h. BovenwaterNHSB 3155350N/NEmbark
24-03-2022Kiran Lirid v.d. Echtinger GriftNHSB 3250940N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD185261
09-12-2021Royal Finley Toller Secret Angels of BaranyaNHSB 3224481N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD174793
17-11-2022Red Calypso's All You Need Is LoveNHSB 3198035N/NEmbark
09-12-2022Cobbler's Dream She's The OneNHSB 3161328N/NUC Davis VGL NCD208098
31-01-2023Silver Twinkling v.d. BorrekeenNHSB 3206709N/CDDYlABOKLIN
27-12-2022Fire Shadow Angel Diamondstar Love StoryNHSB 3126733 N/NUC Davis VGL NCD132292
03-02-2023NieveNHSB 3221892N/NUC Davis VGL NCD212271
06-02-2023Ready Heading Back To Peggy's FutureNHSB 3287366N/NUC Davis VGL NCD211565
30-01-2023Ruby Susie Under The Red SkyNHSB 3164214N/NUC Davis VGL NCD211564
28-11-2022Tollwest Burgess ShaleNHSB 3136342CDDY/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD98881
31-01-2023It's Dog Latin FriendshipinredNHSB 3246991N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD211764
Alba Nuadh Gwenny's Working SecretNHSB 3022389N/NUC Davis VGL NCD75787
All I Want Is You V.'T DekkershofNHSB 3094030N/NUC Davis VGL NCD112911
Alliance De La Vie Fox And HoundNHSB 3094030N/NUC Davis VGL NCD72306
Annie Oakley Of Cherries PrideNHSB 3108766 N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD111917
5-4-2021Brilliant Blik Arianna Abel To IspireNHSB 3199020N/CDDYOFA DTR-CDY366/23F-PI-CAR
5-4-2021Brilliant Blik Avensis Mary JaneNHSB 3199019N/CDDYOFA DTR-CDY365/23F-PI-CAR
29-1-2018Canna Dea's Dancing Heart Of GoldNHSB 2877138N/NOFA DTR-CDY114/69M-PI
Canna Dea's Elegant Little StarNHSB 3000002CDDY/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD74176
Canna Dea's Helios Heart Of The Sun NHSB 3026652N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD71480
Caribbean Rumba Of Red GloryNHSB 3005467N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD72655
Cobbler's Dream She's The OneNHSB 2663082N/NUC Davis VGL NCD208098
1-2-2021Con Fuoco Dal Segno Al CodaNHSB 3211969N/NEmbark EM-66035328
Cowly Perro V. Telgter SprengNHSB 2983901N/NUC Davis VGL NCD144276
Daenerys Pleasure V.'T DekkershofNHSB3109107N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD112912
Diamond Tomadrona Kii Of Red GloryNHSB 3169946N/NUC Davis VGL NCD143555
Dutch Edition Demi Fateful RedNHSB 3076628N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD75883
Fire Shadow Grateful Platter MaximumNHSB 3020902N/NVHL_ID: H268126
First Dream From The Dutch Friends NHSB 3123312N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD148008
First Love From The Green ResortNHSB 3056045N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD79664
Flame Of Life Aqua SilvaNHSB 3106557N/CDDYLaboklin 1911-N-12541
Full Of Magic Toller Of Carpe DiemNHSB 3143115 N/NVHL_ID:H506411
Fusy's Rubina V.'T DekkershofNhsb 3268253N/NEMBARK
GuiliettaNHSB 3074681CDDY/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD133075
Guya's Marte V.'T DekkershofNHSB 3262118 N/NEMBARK
HalleyNHSB 3123390N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD111758
Halo Of Livery Dayliva's AngelsNSHB 3080743N/NUC Davis VGL NCD118639
Heart Full Of Diamonds Of Red GloryNHSB 3169950N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD143103
HodsonNHSB 3123391N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD112569
Inferno Of Aqua SilvaNHSB 3106552N/CDDYLABOKLIN 2108-N-17330
JamesNHSB 3005399N/CDDYVHL_ID: H261031
Lay It Allon Me From The Green ResortNHSB 3150489 N/CDDYVHL_ID H437602
Long Red Animal V't DekkershofNHSB 3227617N/CDDYEMBARK
Madam Mikmak Tevreden RakkersNHSB 3010695CDDY/CDDYVHL_ID: H250765
Magicfox's Truly Madly DeeplyNHSB 3199005N/NUC Davis VGL NCD146618
Manitou’s Sparkling JoppeNHSB 2889974N/NUC Davis VGL NCD70784
Martinique Of Red Glory  DRC-T 15-1027N/NUC Davis VGL NCD73003
Novalicious Dakota Of MacbaerkeNHSB 3171328N/NEMBARK
Omyl's Nimble Lynne V. Telgter SprengNHSB 3126634N/NPAW PRINT 278025
3-9-2020Orawika's Onora From Roes' PlaceNHSB 3005542N/CDDYEmbark EM-20150656
20-9-2022Qadootje's Quest From Roes'placeNHSB 3280567N/NEmbark EM-33059460
20-9-2022Quenby Qjoet Blame From Roes'placeNHSB 3280571N/NEmbark EM-33064324
Quinsialyn Des Petits BouleauxNHSB 3127287N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD74177
Red Amicum DaydreamNHSB 3062544 N/NVHL_ID: H368449
Red Calypo’s Duck Rock River GemNHSB 3083935N/NUC Davis VGL NCD87957
Red Calypso's Wants The DuckNHSB 3083942N/NVHL_ID: H362128
Redborn Ultimate Ferryman NHSB 3008838N/NUC Davis VGL NCD71483
Redwyn Fieljeppen2 Bovenwater NHSB 2924784 N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD74182
Rhineferry's Boogie Woogie DavNHSB 3104197N/NUC Davis VGL NCD95037
Rhineferrys Dame De CoeurNHSB 3104200N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NGD95038
Rhineferry's Frosted Flame FeroNHSB 3003057N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD71486
Rhineferry's Kornuit GuitroNHSB 2977010N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD75416
Rhineferry's Queen For A DayNHSB 2934348N/CDDYVHL_ID: H292949
Rhineferry's Raven Stout GuitroNHSB 2977011N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD71482
Rhineferry's Singing In The RainNHSB 3092370N/CDDYVHL_ID:H412659
Rhineferry's Sirius Zax NHSB 2997433N/NUC Davis VGL NCD71484
Rhineferry's Skimme GutiNHSB 3044907N/NUC Davis VGL NCD87681
Rhineferry's Thank You DameNHSB 3104202N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD109568
Rhineferry's Vesper Zax NHSB 2997434N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD71485
Shiva Tevreden RakkersNHSB 2892335N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD81569
Splash Takin A Bath Under The Red SkyNHSB 3051124N/NVHL_ID: H320143
Spring Maple Leaf V.D. Tollerhof NHSB 2929135N/NVHL_ID: H298859
Sundance Kid V.'T DekkershofNHSB3074797N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD82246
Turn Around From The Green ResortNHSB 3102248N/CDDYUC Davis VGL NCD79665
West Coast Tollers AfroditeNHSB 2952230N/NUC Davis VGL NCD75453
Whispering Reed's Primadonna FreyaNHSB 3089540N/NUC Davis VGL NCD123079
17-12-2019Whispring Valentine's Di Casa TollerNHSB 3097635N/CDDYOFA DTR-CDY244/34M-PI-CAR
Wild Honey V.'T DekkershofNHSB 3094031N/NUC Davis VGL NCD112570