Nest informatie voor 2010
Kennel | Vader | Moeder | Geb. datum | Reu / Teef |
V.D. Haopertse Snuffels | Tollwest Tollchester Turn M′on | Faizan | 03-01-2010 | 5 / 2 |
V.D.Victoria Hof | Littleriver′s Streamke | Xena Tjebbe v.d.Victoria Hof | 08-02-2010 | 3 / 3 |
It′s Dog Latin | The Rhineferry Tales Of Blames Love | It′s Dog Latin Joska | 14-02-2010 | 4 / 2 |
Alliance De La Vie | Hedera′s For Alliance | Alliance De La Vie Amitié Mignon | 15-02-2010 | 7 / 0 |
Under The Red Sky | Firefly′s Are Your Duxinarow | Meritable Meagan Under The Red Sky | 16-02-2010 | 5 / 4 |
From Cashel Vale | Red-Toller′s Arctic Fox | Care for Hailey from Cashel Vale | 21-02-2010 | 7 / 0 |
V.telgter Spreng | Hutch | Gispi′s Jittalène V.telgter Spreng | 22-02-2010 | 2 / 3 |
From Cashel Vale | Narod Aroona at Wakaduze | All About Eve from Cashel Vale | 08-03-2010 | 5 / 2 |
Alliance De La Vie | Alliance de la vie Rubra Canis Nolan | Alliance de la vie Red Maple Leaf | 22-03-2010 | 1 / 8 |
Red Fairy Tales | Canagold′s Banja Luka | Amber Under The Red Sky | 30-03-2010 | 2 / 5 |
Rhineferry′s | Rhineferry′s Merenque Czardas | The Rhineferry Tales Of Flame | 31-03-2010 | 4 / 3 |
From RoEs′ Place | Krokasmedens Duracell | Garnet Winona From RoEs′ Place | 31-03-2010 | 4 / 3 |
Salty River | It′s Dog Latin Kingston Bailley | Miccy uit de Brieltje′s | 02-04-2010 | 4 / 4 |
Wildfowlers | Hedera′s For Alliance | Alliance De La Vie Wildfowler Angie | 07-04-2010 | 3 / 3 |
V.D. Echtinger Grift | Bono Kralin v.d. Echtinger Grift | Cadisha Auros v.d. Echtinger Grift | 16-04-2010 | 7 / 1 |
Rhineferry′s | Redwyn′s Orion at Rhineferry | Rhineferry′s Wishing on the Star | 19-04-2010 | 0 / 4 |
Van Obergums Hand | Cylas Of Great Pleasure | Ayla Lasmo V. Obergums Hand | 20-04-2010 | 6 / 3 |
Manusia′s | Shaggy Toller′s Aquila The Eagle | Manusia′s Delay-toula | 23-04-2010 | 2 / 0 |
From Nova′s Power | Sunlit Holland Ice Ellaskeystone | Evita From Amara′s Magic | 09-05-2010 | 0 / 3 |
From Amara′s Magic | Sunlit Holland Ice Ellaskeystone | Magical Star Golden Blackberrys | 11-05-2010 | 0 / 1 |
Alliance De La Vie | Alliance de la vie Blue Lagoon | Alliance de la vie Keep On Blessing | 13-05-2010 | 4 / 2 |
Red Riverlands | Thorin Ninos V.d. Echtinger Grift | Red Riverlands Nuttah Berlin | 14-05-2010 | 4 / 3 |
It′s Dog Latin | Redwyn′s Orion at Rhineferry | It′s Dog Latin Leafs Pepper and Sweet | 14-05-2010 | 6 / 2 |
Frá Hreinir-veller | Frickaduck Of Great Pleasure | Fricka Of Great Pleasure | 20-05-2010 | 7 / 1 |
Manusia′s | Geronimo Of Great Pleasure | Manusia′s Bonny Golden Glory | 21-05-2010 | 0 / 1 |
Tantramar′s | It′s Dog Latin Kingston Bailley | Canna Dea′s Yucca Authentic Red | 26-05-2010 | 5 / 1 |
Achteraf | Hawkeye of Great Pleasure | Manusia′s Gentle Lady-Savannah | 30-05-2010 | 5 / 3 |
V.D. Stam De Duffelt | Indy Under The Red Sky | Qilaituaq Myrgu v.d. Echtinger Grift | 04-06-2010 | 2 / 3 |
Alliance De La Vie | Wildfowlers Blue Moon For Alliance | Alliance Yahzi From The Tollercove | 13-06-2010 | 3 / 2 |
Toller From Angel | Tollwest Fly Free For Pleasure | Ayla Toller From Angel | 21-06-2010 | 3 / 1 |
************************ | Arco V. Marhé Ke | Miss Becky Golden Blackberrys | 23-06-2010 | 2 / 3 |
From Nova′s Power | Sunlit Holland Ice Ellaskeystone | Exotic Nikita From Nova′s Power | 29-06-2010 | 4 / 2 |
V.d. Reestmeander | Thorin Ninos V.d. Echtinger Grift | Luna Lutim V.d. Echtinger Grift | 23-07-2010 | 3 / 2 |
************************ | Bonus Sismo v.d. Echtinger Grift | Herah of Great Pleasure | 31-07-2010 | 2 / 6 |
Quadrupes Fidelis Solis | The Rhineferry Tales Of Rivers Gem | Vanka The Dazzling Duck Dog | 01-08-2010 | 4 / 0 |
From RoEs′ Place | Gradicols Gibson From RoEs′ Place | Working Beauty′s Brilliant Blaze | 05-08-2010 | 4 / 2 |
V.D Amandelgaard | Merlin v.d Amandelgaard | Nebraska v.d Amandelgaard | 09-08-2010 | 4 / 3 |
Alliance De La Vie | Digby Tollers Big Pine | Alliance de la vie Rubra Canis | 09-08-2010 | 4 / 2 |
Alliance De La Vie | Alliance de la vie Bluff′s Poker | Alliance de la vie Banty′s Gillican | 11-08-2010 | 3 / 5 |
V.D Amandelgaard | O′Conor Spice v.d Amandelgaard | Kaya v.d Amandelgaard | 14-08-2010 | 4 / 4 |
From Nova′s Power | Boston From Nova′s Power | Purdey′s Power Golden Blackberrys | 18-08-2010 | 2 / 6 |
************************ | Arco V. Marhé Ke | Anastasia Golden Blackberrys | 30-08-2010 | 4 / 5 |
Manusia′s | Flaminstar Of Great Pleasure | Manusia′s Adorable-amanda | 30-08-2010 | 3 / 3 |
Uit ′t Josperbosch | Einstein Of Great Pleasure | Ballantyne′s Cove Uit ′t Josperbosch | 04-09-2010 | 5 / 4 |
Manusia′s | Geronimo Of Great Pleasure | Manusia′s Bella-cheyenne | 05-09-2010 | 5 / 2 |
Wildfowlers | Digby Tollers Big Pine | Wildfowlers Precious Pleasure | 16-09-2010 | 7 / 1 |
************************ | Flaminstar of Great Pleasure | Tess NHSB 2496903 | 19-09-2010 | 1 / 3 |
Of Red Glory | Hawkeye of Great Pleasure | Alliance de la vie Bakarole | 24-09-2010 | 6 / 5 |
Canna Dea′s | Redwyn′s Orion at Rhineferry | River Nova Arctic Dream | 08-10-2010 | 1 / 4 |
From Dyonisus Home | Vattubrinkens Vilde Bill Hickock | Jänta Pirta From Roes′ Place | 11-10-2010 | 3 / 3 |
V.D. Echtinger Grift | Alliance de la vie Rowling′s Nagini | Autumn Red Queen′s Perechtinger | 11-10-2010 | 1 / 4 |
V.D. Echtinger Grift | Thorin Ninos v.d. Echtinger Grift | Ranua Kralin v.d. Echtinger Grift | 15-10-2010 | 4 / 3 |
From Cashel Vale | Banty-red Rudolfovská Skála | Raindrops On Roses From Cashel Vale | 17-10-2010 | 2 / 4 |
Achteraf | Indy Under The Red Sky | Gentle Lady Xcenzi Achteraf | 19-10-2010 | 2 / 3 |
Rhineferry′s | Alliance de la vie Rowling′s Nagini | Rhineferry′s Name is Diamond Dune | 27-10-2010 | 4 / 3 |
************************ | Renzo Golden Blackberrys | Manusia′s Gonny | 02-11-2010 | 5 / 1 |
Wildfowlers | Alliance De La Vie Calypso | Alliance De La Vie Wildfowler Jewel | 08-11-2010 | 3 / 4 |
************************ | Arco V. Marhé Ke | Miss Beauty Golden Blackberrys | 13-11-2010 | 2 / 6 |
************************ | Chas-seur Uit De Brieltje′s | Nova Uit De Brieltje′s Nhsb 2596873 | 15-11-2010 | 3 / 4 |
Of Stroezel Sensation | Hukleberry of Great Pleasure | Noah′s Britt of Stroezel Sensation | 19-11-2010 | 5 / 4 |
From Nova′s Power | Ricardo From Nova′s Power | Miss Pembroke From Nova′s Power | 07-12-2010 | 4 / 3 |
Alliance De La Vie | Alliance de la vie Calypso | Alliance de la vie My Dear Valentine | 10-12-2010 | 2 / 6 |
From Red Earth | Illusion Luka From Nova′s Power | New Power From Red Earth | 18-12-2010 | 3 / 3 |
V.D.Victoria Hof | Littleriver′s Streamke | Marcanna Aqua v.d.Victoria Hof | 20-12-2010 | 6 / 1 |
V.D.Victoria Hof | Littleriver′s Streamke | Claire Mare v.d.Victoria Hof | 24-12-2010 | 1 / 2 |
Informatie van 65 geboren nesten in 2010: Reuen: 228 Teven: 189 Totaal: 417 geboren pups.